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DiverseMedicine Inc. The mission of DiverseMedicine is to increase ethnic and socioeconomic diversity within the field of Medicine.  DiverseMedicine’s belief is that individuals from underrepresented ethnic groups as well as those from economically disadvantaged upbringings are capable of becoming highly effective clinicians and scientists if provided with a community of support and mentorship. Via innovative implementations of modern day technologies, DiverseMedicine provide this community.  In mentoring such students, DiverseMedicine promotes better health care for all!



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PreMed StAR. PreMed StAR is the Online Community for Premedical Students.  The mission of PreMed StAR is to ensure all premedical students have the opportunity to be recruited to medical school.  There are many qualified premedical students who never get the chance to pursue their dream of being a medical doctor simply because they did not know that there was a medical school out there looking for a students just like them while at the same time, the medical school never knew the student existed.  PreMed StAR solves this problem by providing 24/7 online recruitment not limited by time, money, or location.



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Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students. This initiative of the Student National Medical Association (SNMA) represents future underrepresented medical students. Associate Members of SNMA attend some of the strongest and most influential undergraduate institutions and constitute a large percentage of our membership body. Our members are active in all fronts; we are creating diversity and making strides in all aspects of medicine and patient care. SNMA has a great interest in increasing the number of physicians of color entering the workforce and know that our pre-medical students are our future colleagues and successors.